Code Of Conduct
Medical profession is characterized by a long period of training to attain sound knowledge and a specialized set of clinical skills which are based on strong ethical principles. Therefore, as potential future members of the medical fraternity, medical students have an obligation to adhere to the prescribed moral values of good clinical practice and behave in a manner that is compatible with the standards of conduct of this noble profession.
Development of professionalism is a fundamental component of Central Park Medical College’s (CPMC) curriculum. The key aim of the college is to produce graduates who not only practice safe medicine and demonstrate excellent professional behaviour but also behave as rational, moderate and kind human beings. The following code of conduct sets out the core values and principles that will facilitate students in attaining professional excellence and help them prepare for their future careers.
In addition to these guidelines, students are also required to read and familiarize themselves with the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council’s (PMDC) Code of Ethics of Practice for Medical and Dental Practitioners.

Attached is the Code of Conduct which consists of rules & regulations which outline the responsibilities, practices and norms that are to be observed within the premises.